2018 / Ebony and Black Cast Iron H=31 cm, W=9cm, D=6cm
35x56cm Pencil & Colored Pencil on Rice Paper
2018 / Ebony and Black Cast Iron H=31 cm, W=9cm, D=6cm
Without artificiality and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural element the supernatural and magical forms are common in many of these images. Observing phenomenas of the current universe, covering various themes in the context of the supernatural, Futuristic. Poetry behind elementary particles of which nuclei are made and what is the nature of the forces that holds these particles together.
Deliberate fabrication transform these objects into pieces of art, invoking experiences, at the same time. This experiences of tension between comfort and discomfort is forcing me to internalize sensations and ideas in overlap between art and science. Working with all visible and invisible aspects comprising a totality of cultural , moral and ethical significance as much as practical or scientific value .
I am interested in the reasons behind things not judgement , there for by inventing tools and technics that allows me to see into material manifestation with instant reflex action, inter the soul of universe through the sciences and unite it with object .
What happens over-there it matters over here .
1950 Montenegro / Lives in New York
Without artificiality and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural element the supernatural and magical forms are common in many of these images. Observing phenomenas of the current universe, covering various themes in the context of the supernatural, Futuristic.
Poetry behind elementary particles of which nuclei are made and what is the nature of the forces that holds these particles together.
Deliberate fabrication transform these objects into pieces of art, invoking experiences, at the same time.
This experiences of tension between comfort and discomfort is forcing me to internalize sensations and ideas in overlap between art and science.
Working with all visible and invisible aspects comprising a totality of cultural, moral and ethical significance as much as practical or scientific value. I am interested in the reasons behind things not judgment, there for by inventing tools and techniques that allows me to see into material manifestation with instant reflex action, inter the soul of universe through the sciences and unite it with object. What happens over-there it matters over here.
1981 University of Miami, Miami , Fl 1179
MFA Teaching Assistent Sculpture and 3D design
1979 Washington University St. Louis, Mo
2002 - Present Division LL C New York, NY / Owner
Consulting, designing, engineering and fabricating for scientist, architects and artists.
2005 Present Fisonic, Technology New York, NY
Design, engineering and manufacturing Steam turbine Two – phase systems
2004 – 2007 The Department of Astrophysics,
American Museum of Natural History, NY
The Loyot Project – Designing, engineering and fabrication
1989 – 2000 Nanodynamics, Inc New York, NY
Designing and fabricate High – Vacuum Chambers, Manufacture of Thermal Silicon Quantum Solar Seils, Transmission X-Ray Table
1992-1998 Brookhaven National Labaratory Upton, NY
Senior Technical Consultant, RHIC Zero Degree Calorimetar Project- Designing and Fabricating
1991 - 1992 Cooper Union New York, NY
Technical Assistant to Architecture, Fine Art and Engineering.
Helping students meet their goals using tools and tehnology while monitoring studio safety
1983 - 1989 Rockefeller University New York, NY
Technician in Department of Experimental Physics
Providing support for a team of experimental physicist. Created instruments for various departments in the University research facilities.
*The Astronomical Societe of New York
Spring Meeting 2007
*Hafstra University
April 14, 2007 The Gemini Planet Imager
*Nuclear instruments and Methods in Physics Research,
Section A. Volume 311 Issue 3pgs ISBN 520-5280/1992
Optical Splicing by Thermal Fusion.
Lol. 52 – no. 28 July 17, 1998
*Major PHENIX Detector / Subsystem Ready for Installation
Members of the PHENIX EM Colorimeter
The Inovator, Documentary Video on YouTube by Benjamin Trachtenberg
*Energy Dissipating Helmet
Publication Number: 201802449778
Filed June 20 2018
*Adjustable Golf Putter Head with Teeth
Publication Number: 20170361179
Filed June 20 2016
*Sports Racket and Method of Manufacturing
Publication Number: US20130203529A1
Photo credit: Author
Website: under construction
The Innovator documentary movie about this artist, made by Benjamin Trachtenberg
link: https://youtu.be/R6CrIgnJ4R0